
[chooz] /tʃuz/
verb (used with object), chose; chosen or (Obsolete) chose; choosing.
to select from a number of possibilities; pick by preference:
She chose Sunday for her departure.
to prefer or decide (to do something):
He chose to run for election.
to want; desire.
(especially in children's games) to contend with (an opponent) to decide, as by odd or even, who will do something:
I'll choose you to see who gets to bat first.
verb (used without object), chose; chosen or (Obsolete) chose; choosing.
to make a choice:
He chose carefully.
to be inclined:
You may stay here, if you choose.
(especially in children's games) to decide, as by means of odd or even, who will do something:
Let's choose to see who bats first.
Verb phrases
choose up,
  1. to select (players) for a contest or game:
    The boys chose up sides for the game.
  2. to select players for a contest or game:
    We have to choose up before we can play.
cannot choose but, cannot do otherwise than; is or are obliged to:
He cannot choose but obey.
before 1000; Middle English chosen, chēsen, Old English cēosan; cognate with Gothic kiusan, Old High German kiosan (German kiesen); akin to Greek geúesthai to enjoy, Latin gustāre to taste (see gusto)
Related forms
choosable, adjective
chooser, noun
prechoose, verb (used with object), prechose, prechosen, prechoosing.
rechoose, verb, rechose, rechosen, rechoosing.
unchoosable, adjective
Can be confused
chews, choose.
1. reject.
Synonym Study
1. Choose, select, pick, elect, prefer indicate a decision that one or more possibilities are to be regarded more highly than others. Choose suggests a decision on one of a number of possibilities because of its apparent superiority: to choose a course of action. Select suggests a choice made for fitness: to select the proper golf club. Pick, an informal word, suggests a selection on personal grounds: to pick a winner. The formal word elect suggests a kind of official action: to elect a representative. Prefer, also formal, emphasizes the desire or liking for one thing more than for another or others: to prefer coffee to tea.
British Dictionary definitions for choose up


verb chooses, choosing, chose, chosen
to select (a person, thing, course of action, etc) from a number of alternatives
(transitive; takes a clause as object or an infinitive) to consider it desirable or proper: I don't choose to read that book
(intransitive) to like; please: you may stand if you choose
cannot choose but, to be obliged to: we cannot choose but vote for him
nothing to choose between, little to choose between, (of two people or objects) almost equal
Derived Forms
chooser, noun
Word Origin
Old English ceosan; related to Old Norse kjōsa, Old High German kiosan
Word Origin and History for choose up



Old English ceosan "choose, seek out, select; decide, test, taste, try; accept, approve" (class II strong verb; past tense ceas, past participle coren), from Proto-Germanic *keus- (cf. Old Frisian kiasa, Old Saxon kiosan, Dutch kiezen, Old High German kiosan, German kiesen, Old Norse kjosa, Gothic kiusan "choose," Gothic kausjan "to taste, test"), from PIE root *geus- "to taste, relish" (see gusto). Only remotely related to choice. Variant spelling chuse is Middle English, very frequent 16c.-18c. The irregular past participle leveled out to chosen by 1200.

Idioms and Phrases with choose up

choose up

Select players and form sides for a game or team, as in Jean was always afraid she'd be last when it was time to choose up. [ First half of 1900s ]


In addition to the idiom beginning with
also see under: